Friday, February 8, 2008

Code Monkey like Fritos

The musician Jonathan Coulton will be playing at GDC. He is well-liked for writing good geek music, such as Code Monkey (a song for programmers), Re: Your Brains (a song about zombies), and Skullcrusher Mountain (a song about a villain in love). He also made the song at the end of the game Portal, which was a huge game at the end of last year. Also, it was made by former Digipen students.

I really don't have much to talk about. I was barely aware a week even happened. My rendering project calculates light now. We're about done documenting our game and soon to kick it in gear. There's a math project now that I am not excited about. Done with the first step of the network project, and about to start the part that I don't know how to do. I'm going to try to do a ton of stuff this week so I have less to worry about. After all, it's hard to stress out on things I've already finished.

After GDC, I'll probably have a better idea about my summer plans. If there aren't any job prospects I'm interested in, I'll just plan on summer school and working parttime at Nintendo. I'd probably only be interested in a company that makes RPGs (role-playing games, games that are usually big on story and adventure) since that's what I want to make someday.

What's everyone else up to?


Mrs. Corbett said...

Sounds like you're doing awesomingly great! I agree with (but don't always abide to) "it's hard to stress out on things I've already finished."
BTW, have I told you about the Procrastinator's Club? I heard about it by chance and keep meaning to join. Seriously.

Yo mama

pjacobs51 said...

Speaking of geek music, we are going to see Riley and his Springfield Symphony tonight. Last month they played "The Planets" complete with video by NASA, pretty slick! Tonight it's called "Playing with Fire" Maybe Bevis and Butthead will show up.

Tell Sam, on his way to The Emerald City, the Scarecrow is in Dodge Ciy, Tin Man (now calls himself Iron Man) is up in The Devils Tower somewhere, and the Lion hangs around Mt. St. Helens, and he's still scared shitless. The flying monkeys he will have to scrape off his windshield, you've seen them, especially in Kansas.

Sounds like your terring through your school projects, but how can you not be excited about a "math project"? Too much gameing to be done?

Seen the new Star Trek Trailer yet?

P. Jacobs said...

Speaking of the new Star Trek, Dee Dee and I currently are furthering our J.J. Abrams obsession. In case nobody has yet: go see Cloverfield. It's an awesome movie by J. J. and it has surely raised the bar for movie makers.

For those that don't know, J. J. Abrams is the mastermind behind our fav T.V. show, LOST. One of the most intersting things about is his marketing stratigies surprisingly. Dee and I discovered many fake "websites" that gave a bunch of secret clues about Cloverfield (and LOST, too). They are totaly normal looking company websites, but are totaly fake. They are not spoilers; moreover, they are a must see prelude that will help you appriciate the movie more. Here are some of the websites:

Anyways, I hope you do well on that math test Kelly. Remember, I have a baseball game coming up sooo I hope to see you there this time! I know you'll be there.

Alli said...

Wow, everyone seems to be busy doing interesting things! I feel like I've been a lazy bum all week, and I have the ice storm to thank for that! Yay school cancelations! That is one thing I like about teaching - snow days are fun again!

Kelly, I am sure you feeling sadness about missing another interesting episode of Missouri weather! I dug out my car yesterday and I am pretty sure the ice was over an inch thick. It took me about 20 minutes to open my door and start my car, and then another 45 minutes to get the rest of my car de-iced. That would be a great thing to do if you were really mad!

Catching up on Lost is on my to-do list. Same with Heros. Survivor started last week! Hoorah! I know it's bad television, but I just can't resist. I'd love to go on the show, but I have been told that I lack basic conniving skills and am generally not messed up enough. Also I probably lack bikini-wearing skills. Oh well, there are better skills to have I suppose.

I heard about the Procrastinator's Club too. Maybe someday...

Mrs. Corbett said...

I was just in looking at this awesome calendar that I got for Christmas from Kelroy. Lots of shaking and leaping going on. I would almost swear that some sort of computer tricks were used, otherwise, people may have been injured in the production of these photographs.

Mrs. Corbett said...

I heard something on the national news last night about the video game thingy in San Fransisco. They were talking about some new thing where you can control the game with your facial expressions. At least, I think I heard that right. They went on to say something about how you mind was controlling it--sounded like a stretch for the reporters to go from facial expressions to the mind.
So, did you see this game when you were there?