Saturday, November 24, 2007

Turkey is murder!

And I likes it! Hope everyone fed themselves well. I baked some banana bread and ate with my cousin's family. I'll be home for winter break though (it turns out I'm flying, bussing over the holidays is too expensive, and my brother says it's not worth it anyway). I'm spending the rest of the weekend powering down some code, with frequent breaks for beach walks and cartoons. I also have eggs for cooking and a big bowl of pudding.

So my mom sent me a tapioca kit via shipmail, but she recommended I list some things people could randomly send me. I don't by any means need these things, or are in a hurry to receive them, but people could send them if say they had too many of these things or maybe wanted to test a shipping system. On this list is of course puddings, particularly tapioca or banana. Also, beef jerky, candy, granola bars (the chewey kind is best), random video games, Wii points, books, spaghettios, other snacks, etc. I also might like any fancy appliances I don't have yet, like a rice cooker, or a blender for smoothies. That's all I can think of right now. I guess if you think of something you think I'd like, just send it anyway. Or buy it for yourself and rub it in my face.

Ok, this blog is kind of a waste. My brain is pretty fried from academics, so there won't be a whole lot of blogging energy. Looking forward to unwinding in Springfield. THREE WEEKS.


Mrs. Corbett said...

I'm happy that you're flying. I've heard that there's weird people on the bus. They have weird people on planes, too, (I can vouch for that having been on one)but you spend a lot less time with me, or them, or whatever.
Hey, do you still like those cheese crackers with peanut butter? There was a package in the teacher work room a couple of weeks ago that had chocolate peanut butter filling. YUM!

Kelroy said...

I likes em lots! Though, not with chocolate, or with cheese filling.