And, most importantly, I made a level editor for a 2D platformer engine I'm working on with my game group. The project isn't a finished game, just an engine by the end of the semester. I'll let you know how that goes.
I haven't talked about it yet, but when I first started biking, I accidently starting losing weight REALLY FAST. You put 10 years into a gain weight diet, and it all goes down the drain in a few monthes. And now my legs are lumpy with muscle, which I hate. Muscles are gross. But, if you are into losing weight and things like that, biking isn't a bad plan. It was really hard at first, and would even make me lose my appetite. I remember biking to my mom's over the summer and being too exhausted to finish my birthday steak. I felt horrible.
Anyway, when school started, I probably biked around 100 miles a week, but then I cut it down to about 60 miles a week. It was tough, but after 1 or 2 monthes, I could do it without being tired at all. Now I do about 40 or 50 miles a week (8 to 10 hours?), which isn't bad. The trick is to bike someplace you need to go anyway, so you don't have to decide to excerise, you have to. So, exercise bikes won't work, at least not for me. Too boring.
Mmmm, I ate a 2D platformer engine for breakfast today, good stuff. Hey, is that the same hummer from your other pic? (cheater) ha ha!
Muscles aren't as gross as fat. I biked around 100 miles a week when I quit smoking. If it wasn't for bikeing and Continuum I would have gone insane, or more insane. But I still gained about 10 pounds. Try running, it's a lot harder than bikeing, then you'll really hate your legs ;)
In the long run, you'll be glad you biked all those miles when you reach 50, you won't have to worry about heart attacks and the like. But keep an eye out for those hududaroos.
I'll bet your calves are HUGE! Mine used to be like that when I was young and biked a lot. Now they're just FAT. Excuse me while I go somewhere and think about how great it was to have knotty legs.
I think I just made a pun:)
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