So, winter break I actually hope to stay busy. We have a lot of design to do on the next game, and it'd be cool if we got a head start on that before classes start. I also want to work on personal projects, including some software I want to make and some of my own games. Aside from that, I should look into summer work opportunities (It is possible I'll be testing games at Nintendo), as well as getter better at the ukulele, and hopefully read a book or two. Of course, my priority over the break is to hang out with familes and friends, so it's quite possible I won't do anything else.
Oh yeah, so summer work. My preference is to stay in the area, since I'll be paying for the apartment anyway, and I'd like to spend some more time getting to know Seattle. That limits me to only a few companies that offer interships, and my only opportunity at Nintendo would be testing, which doesn't count towards my degree or anything. Still, it'd be awesome. I'd buy so much merc. However, if I get a job somewhere else (Cali has many jobs), then I imagine I'd need someone (Sam?) to fill my apartment for the summer. And, even if I am working in town, if someone (Sam?) wanted to stay over the summer to look for jobs or something, I have too much room in my apartment. We'll see what happens!
If you like games, look at this!
Wow, that's awesome that your group picked up your idea! How big is your group? What genre of game do you guys plan on making? I hope it has Mr. Saturns. My better half and I will be visiting over the summer most likely. We probably won't be there long enough to watch over your apartment, but just long enough to eat all of your food.
That boss video is cool. Is it sad that I recognized about 75% of those battles? BTW, if you need an air matress when you're down here we got one. You can't have though. I just wanted to tell you we had one that you can't use. Happy Holidays!
Nicely done ya little game design genius. I saw your school on the Discovery Channel the other night. It was on a program called "The Rise of the Video Game." A two (maybe three) part series about the history of video games. It all started with The Cold War and the war simulations the programers were makeing at the time. I guess they got bored and started makeing programs of their own and shareing them around the country with universities and other places (not many) that had computers and programmers. So, I guess, war is good for something after all, especially if the war never happened. Yay for that!
Oh, someone stealed your bed, so ya got a couch to sleep on while your here, unless you want to use Rileys air mattress.
Hell yes I'll use your apartment, thanks for asking #:)
We're a 3 person group. We're making a small four person battle game (like Bomberman or something). It involves cutting through the ground and pieces of the map falling off.
That's cool that both of your halves can visit! If you want, bring Dee Dee too.
NO, it is the exact opposite of sad. That offends me. Yes, an air mattress would probably be nice.
You know, war inspired the Internet too. And LSD. And... Count Chocula (Sergeant Whitey Flakes wasn't chocolatey enough).
Ooo. I love the Sergeant Whitey Flakes with Klanmellos. They're Grrrrrrrrrrrracist!
Good ole' LSD, Ken Kesey knew what he was doing when he signed up for those Army experiments. Then he wrote "One Flew Over the Coo Coo's Nest."
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