But, if you know me, you know I don't let a bunch of noise like that get me down.

Oh yeah, earlier this week in the halls of Digi I walked by Chris Taylor, the well-known mind behind Total Annihilation and Dungeon Siege, two games I'm not that into but I do recognize his feats. Also, I have some goods friends that think he's cool, so I get to be all braggy.
I don't know if I talked about what it's like to have one foot in the industry yet, and I guess I'll do that now, because Mykl made me laugh this morning. If you don't care, feel free to skip, because it this is long. The game industry is full of people that all know each other, and also celebrities that only exist in the game community. Before, the industry just seemed like a far off-place full of people I'd never meet, and these people made my games. Kind of like the people that make movies or TV. But now, professors talk about these people like old chums, and even the professors have done some important things. I have one professor that is a big name for doing technical stuff for the Xbox, and one that was a producer/designer for Lucasarts and worked on such games as Monkey Island and maybe Maniac Mansion. One didn't make games, but he says that 3ds max uses his algorithm for binary compounding (trust me, it's neat). One thing that I did not forsee for some reason is that some of my peers have already worked in the industry. I talked to someone who recently finished working on Halo 3 (We got to see it early, as I may of mentioned). I talked to someone from Valve, and also Artificial Studios. There's several people who work at Microsoft as they're taking classes too. So, it is weird to meet faces behind games, or just programs that I've used. For example, imagine meeting a person who was on the development team for cheeseburgers, which has developed itself into an icon in your brain and you assumed must have appeared from nothing.
Also, the Nintendo store rawks, I went there the other week. There's all sorts of swag I've never seen anywhere else, and Nintendo games are there we've seen up to 2 weeks early, and we get everything cheaper. I'm not sure what regular people have to do to go to it, but see what you can do.
I have to tell you--that image is beautiful!! (Sorry, but it really is) Also I've also come up with an algorithm for binary compounding. (not so sincere this time)
Just trying to cheer you up because even if you're tough and don't need it, Dang! Lots going on right now! Just know, if you don't already, that the mountain will divide into wee little mole hills eventually.
The good the bad, and the State of Missouri Criminal Justice System. WTF?
Just think how different the world would be if Hitler had not been turned down when he applied to art school.
The good side is: You're apparently meeting a lot of good wizards there in Emerald City, nicely done! And James T. Kirkland is 5 miles closer to Digipen, again, nicely done! The cold you have will boost your immune system to that Pacific Northwest weather, so I think everyting is going on a positive note, even though it may not look like it at the time.
By the way, nice Hummer!
Hooooly guacamole! 3ds max uses his algorithm for binary compounding!? Simply stunning. Sounds like you are having a challenging week, but I'm sure you're tough enough not to even break a sweat. If you can't work out that being a criminal thing, I can find some hideously ugly dude here and dress him up like you. That shouldn't be too hard. In fact, Alli would do the job well (Hay ohhh!)
That hummer is very cool. Let me know when you make a hummer snowball fighting game. Also, what do Wiis sell for in that fancy Nandender store? Maybe I can get Alli to dress up like you and fetch me one.
BTW, I just got through finishing through Firefly. One of the best shows ever. I'm getting Dee Dee interested in it now which is bonus points for me (also trying to get Dad to watch it). I'll probably buy the DVDs before too long just to support the show.
Your hummer is pretty fabulous! I especially like that it is on a thoughtful beach scene. Maybe hummers go to the beach on dates. Or to do yoga!
By the way Riley, I resent that! And that other thing you said too. And your face. I definately resent that.
By the way, Mykl does always seem to work with very strange people. He wasn't joking - even his social security disability admin. gig has weird people that are trying to get money for being desabled from not showering for monthes.
Maybe you should try not showering - might impress all of these cool gaming celebrities you've been meeting lately! They'll think, "Wow, this guys so dedicated he doesn't even take showers." Whoa.
Wii's go for about $230, not a huge difference, but not too shabby neither. And yes, Firefly is total quality. I wonder how many years it will take until the time period's genre will be sci-fi western.
I will gamble my crazy people against Mykl's weirdos any day. Might as well make things interesting! And actually, I will probably impress people more if I continue to shower. Programmers have problems with that sometimes.
Some people shouldn't insult their little sisters. I'll bet if Hitler could have fulfilled his dream as an artist or possibly MUSICIAN, he wouldn't have.
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