I think I've mentioned before, that I'm greatly attracted to the idea of independent game-making (that is, independent of a publisher). This would be a way I could have absolute creative freedom, but not necessarily be financially secure. I've never cared about money anyway. Though, I will definately work the first few years out of school to pay the will-be-giant pile of student loans, as well as gain some invaluable experience. There's nothing stopping me from pursuing my own hobbies while I'm working too. And, I may save some money for some world travel, if I'm in the mood. So life plan: graduate, be a code-monkey to get my feet wet, do some things I wanna do, gather a pirate crew to make my dorky games, retire when I've convinced a few strangers that I'm a genius. Somewhere in there is trick a goil into marriage and train spawnlings for game testing, but it's hard to find space in the schedule.
And now, for some Geek Speak. As per ma's recommendation, I read my first audio book via bike route "Wee Free Men", written by my favorite author Terry Pratchett, narrated by Nigel Pilkington. It was very entertaining, though I will always prefer reading (My ability to retain spoken speech is an idiot). Anyway, Terry Pratchett writes the rare genre of comedic fantasy, which is perfect for myself.
Moving on, lots of Nintendo news this week. Smash Bros Brawl is delayed until February 10th to ensure it's quality, but Sonic the Hedgehog is in it. This means, yes, Mario and Sonic will finally duke it out. Also, if you haven't heard of Wii Ware, do some readin. Starting at the beginning of next year, there will be a similar system as Virtual Console for Wii, only it will distribute new games. They would be sold for cheap ($10?) but also be a lot cheaper for companies to distribute. They won't be big games, but I reckon there will be a lot, because that is an ideal situation for indie game groups. And, it will be a GIGABOOST for casual gaming. I predict, it will be a big deal. Hopefully, this will also get Nintendo to be more internet-minded, which is the only area they are lacking on in their awesome plan.
Lastly, Sam had disappeared off the face of the Earth, so I'm taking applications for a new one. Applicants must be: handy around the house, able to do awesome circus tricks at parties, unreliable, popular with goils, retain a different life-solving job every year, come up with a new DREAM job every week. People with fear of illegal climbing of public buildings need not apply.
FYI, theres a new Wes Anderson film comeing out called "The Darjeeling Limited" That's the guy who made Life Aquatic, Rushmore, ect... which you probably already know. But the trailers look good, and the reviews are all great. Go see it! that's an order!
Donations? Haahaaahaaahaaha ha ha.
Get a red paper clip . . .
Come to think of it, knowing you, you probably downloaded that movie a month ago and have seen it five times already.
Should we start putting Sams picture on milk cartons?
Crivens! but I love that lake view--there'll be no "waily, waily, waily" on the bicycle in a land of few hills!
I saw Sam at Ciders Days a few weeks back. He was hanging around with one of them goils you keep talking about. Anyways, he says he hates your guts, wishes you a long and painful death, ect ect. I think you are thinkin right with the indie game designing plan. Maybe I'll get myself some training in game scoring before that happens (if you don't find someone better which wouldn't be hard to do up there!) That is, if I don't like Nixa too much, because I been offered a job there when I'm certified to teach. And speakin of Smash Brothers, my wife-goil squealed with glee when she heard sonic was going to be in the game. Aiiieeee!
Hey, I don't squeal... but I was excited to hear about Sonic. I'm perfectly happy with Peach and her umbrella, though. She always does me proud.
I plan to see Darjeeling Limited soon, but my respect for Wes Anderson is such that I will pay for his movies.
Also, there's no reason you can't teach somewhere and write my game music on the side. It doesn't seem like it'd be a full time job, at least not at first.
Don't worry, I squealed too.
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