Sir Kelroy served no lord. He was a ronin warrior who travelled the lands helping those in need. He was a ghost knight, which is not to say he was deceased, but that he had been given magical ghost powers... from Bigfoot. He was quite powerful, and his power was only comparable to his benevolence, intellect, skill, and modesty.
This day, he woke before the call of the rooster, using his internal ghost clock alarm. This journey must start before the break of dawn, when the creatures of the dark still roamed the land. He crept out and awoke his steed, Ol' Nimoy. Sir Kelroy's steed was none other than a motorcycle. Some say Sir Kelroy attached the soul of his former horse to the motorcycle so that they could remain friends, but that's a damned lie.
"Come Ol' Nimoy, we must embark," whispered Sir Kelroy.
"Neeeigh!" whinnied the motorcycle.
Sir Kelroy skidded down the parking lot with Ol' Nimoy, not failing to push down a village boy on his way out. His chortle... was merry.
They travelled across long fields along lake sides. They were heading to the blessed kingdom of King Captain James T Kirk. Their quest held in the balance the future of all that is good and conveniant. Many foes stood in the way, including the sleeping behemoth Monster Mash, who never got up before noon. Satan Hill F**k Chute also sought to slay Sir Kelroy, but was barely defeated. Entire armies were brought down by Sir Kelroy's sword. There was even a gay dark wizard, who tried to explain that his sexual preference had nothing to do with being evil, but Sir Kelroy didn't care. Yes, there were many awesome battles, but rest assured, they made it!
Sir Kelroy stumbled in to the leasing office, covered in wounds and armor torn to shreds.
"I'd like to put down a security deposit on a studio apartment please," he told the receptionist.
He thrust his blade into the air and roared "I WIN!"
The end.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Midweek Bonus Blog!
I am sorry to interrupt a good conversation on gay wizards and Ozark churchcraft, but I put a security deposit down on my new apartment. I got a good deal too! It is expensive in normal terms, but it is average for studio apartments out here. In any case, all the other studio's in area (and the complex) are one to two hundred dollars more. It is an awesome area, so WIN FOR ME. So if you aren't doing anything on Saturday, feel free to come by and help me move.
ANYWAY, if you were going to send anything in the mail, hold out a week until I send out my new address. LATERs.
ANYWAY, if you were going to send anything in the mail, hold out a week until I send out my new address. LATERs.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Syler is Playing Spock
I played the new Smash Brothers Brawl! It's not going to be out for 4 monthes, but I played it! They had a playable demo set up at Nintendo, so we shimmied over there as fast as we could. The game... is fantastic.
And I got hit by my first car this week. It was actually pretty fun! And the guy seemed pretty confused when I said so. I had the right-of-way going straight at an interesection and he was turning right and not really looking. The road was wet, so no road rash, and my bike was fine too. Not even a scratch. The guy felt bad, and some other people got out of their cars to yell at him. I guess you shouldn't hit a biker in the bicycle capital of the northwest. In any case, I am going to wear gloves from now on, in case the roads ain't wet.
It has come to my attention that I may be misrepresenting the folk up here. From what I've been saying, they probably seem like a bunch of crazies. No, there's only a handful of crazies, the large majority of people are normal. Normal as in sane though, not as in "exactly like Ozarkians". There is a good variety of people, from different backgrounds. In the Ozarks, it may just be me, but it seems like there is a wall between strangers that is only crossable with politeness. Here, everyone is pretty laid back about anything, and it's ok to talk. It's kind of like everyone knows each other a little bit. Strangers are usually nice to each other, but with authenticity, not just politeness. Not that they're any better than Ozarks people though, Ozarks people are good too. In the Ozarks, people have deeply-rooted values about respect and helping each other out. I guess there's too many kinds of people here for that. Everyone has their own causes, which is good too.
That nonsense aside, anyone thinking about moving up here might consider being a bus driver. Seriously! All they do is drive around and make friends all day. I'm friends with one bus driver, and I've talked to others. Apparently part-time they get full benefits (which are good benefits!) and make like 20 bucks an hour. Full time gets 30 bucks an hour. Sounds fine to me! Plus, they are not only helping people, but probably the environment too! Gah, if only I didn't go to college.
And I got hit by my first car this week. It was actually pretty fun! And the guy seemed pretty confused when I said so. I had the right-of-way going straight at an interesection and he was turning right and not really looking. The road was wet, so no road rash, and my bike was fine too. Not even a scratch. The guy felt bad, and some other people got out of their cars to yell at him. I guess you shouldn't hit a biker in the bicycle capital of the northwest. In any case, I am going to wear gloves from now on, in case the roads ain't wet.
It has come to my attention that I may be misrepresenting the folk up here. From what I've been saying, they probably seem like a bunch of crazies. No, there's only a handful of crazies, the large majority of people are normal. Normal as in sane though, not as in "exactly like Ozarkians". There is a good variety of people, from different backgrounds. In the Ozarks, it may just be me, but it seems like there is a wall between strangers that is only crossable with politeness. Here, everyone is pretty laid back about anything, and it's ok to talk. It's kind of like everyone knows each other a little bit. Strangers are usually nice to each other, but with authenticity, not just politeness. Not that they're any better than Ozarks people though, Ozarks people are good too. In the Ozarks, people have deeply-rooted values about respect and helping each other out. I guess there's too many kinds of people here for that. Everyone has their own causes, which is good too.
That nonsense aside, anyone thinking about moving up here might consider being a bus driver. Seriously! All they do is drive around and make friends all day. I'm friends with one bus driver, and I've talked to others. Apparently part-time they get full benefits (which are good benefits!) and make like 20 bucks an hour. Full time gets 30 bucks an hour. Sounds fine to me! Plus, they are not only helping people, but probably the environment too! Gah, if only I didn't go to college.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
People say things like "listen to your heart", but witches learn to listen to other things too. It's amazing what your kidneys can tell you.
Had a good talk with my roommate, laid everything out on the table. Since I'm moving in November, she is going to try to find a new roommate as soon as possible. Until then, I'm still obligated to pay rent here until February, though she'll probably cut me some slack. Anyway, my hands are tied, because moving to James T Kirkland will really help me focus on school more.
As a bonus, the area is awesome and has minimal hills. I am trading a mountain in my backyard for a Lake Washington beach, pictured here. This is something I'd see every time I ride my bike. Just a perk. Mostly, going to be closer to school and the city and not live with any strangers. Though, I'll be paying twice the rent, but my loans will cover it. Still, I am not above accepting donations :).
I think I've mentioned before, that I'm greatly attracted to the idea of independent game-making (that is, independent of a publisher). This would be a way I could have absolute creative freedom, but not necessarily be financially secure. I've never cared about money anyway. Though, I will definately work the first few years out of school to pay the will-be-giant pile of student loans, as well as gain some invaluable experience. There's nothing stopping me from pursuing my own hobbies while I'm working too. And, I may save some money for some world travel, if I'm in the mood. So life plan: graduate, be a code-monkey to get my feet wet, do some things I wanna do, gather a pirate crew to make my dorky games, retire when I've convinced a few strangers that I'm a genius. Somewhere in there is trick a goil into marriage and train spawnlings for game testing, but it's hard to find space in the schedule.
And now, for some Geek Speak. As per ma's recommendation, I read my first audio book via bike route "Wee Free Men", written by my favorite author Terry Pratchett, narrated by Nigel Pilkington. It was very entertaining, though I will always prefer reading (My ability to retain spoken speech is an idiot). Anyway, Terry Pratchett writes the rare genre of comedic fantasy, which is perfect for myself.
Moving on, lots of Nintendo news this week. Smash Bros Brawl is delayed until February 10th to ensure it's quality, but Sonic the Hedgehog is in it. This means, yes, Mario and Sonic will finally duke it out. Also, if you haven't heard of Wii Ware, do some readin. Starting at the beginning of next year, there will be a similar system as Virtual Console for Wii, only it will distribute new games. They would be sold for cheap ($10?) but also be a lot cheaper for companies to distribute. They won't be big games, but I reckon there will be a lot, because that is an ideal situation for indie game groups. And, it will be a GIGABOOST for casual gaming. I predict, it will be a big deal. Hopefully, this will also get Nintendo to be more internet-minded, which is the only area they are lacking on in their awesome plan.
Lastly, Sam had disappeared off the face of the Earth, so I'm taking applications for a new one. Applicants must be: handy around the house, able to do awesome circus tricks at parties, unreliable, popular with goils, retain a different life-solving job every year, come up with a new DREAM job every week. People with fear of illegal climbing of public buildings need not apply.

I think I've mentioned before, that I'm greatly attracted to the idea of independent game-making (that is, independent of a publisher). This would be a way I could have absolute creative freedom, but not necessarily be financially secure. I've never cared about money anyway. Though, I will definately work the first few years out of school to pay the will-be-giant pile of student loans, as well as gain some invaluable experience. There's nothing stopping me from pursuing my own hobbies while I'm working too. And, I may save some money for some world travel, if I'm in the mood. So life plan: graduate, be a code-monkey to get my feet wet, do some things I wanna do, gather a pirate crew to make my dorky games, retire when I've convinced a few strangers that I'm a genius. Somewhere in there is trick a goil into marriage and train spawnlings for game testing, but it's hard to find space in the schedule.
And now, for some Geek Speak. As per ma's recommendation, I read my first audio book via bike route "Wee Free Men", written by my favorite author Terry Pratchett, narrated by Nigel Pilkington. It was very entertaining, though I will always prefer reading (My ability to retain spoken speech is an idiot). Anyway, Terry Pratchett writes the rare genre of comedic fantasy, which is perfect for myself.
Moving on, lots of Nintendo news this week. Smash Bros Brawl is delayed until February 10th to ensure it's quality, but Sonic the Hedgehog is in it. This means, yes, Mario and Sonic will finally duke it out. Also, if you haven't heard of Wii Ware, do some readin. Starting at the beginning of next year, there will be a similar system as Virtual Console for Wii, only it will distribute new games. They would be sold for cheap ($10?) but also be a lot cheaper for companies to distribute. They won't be big games, but I reckon there will be a lot, because that is an ideal situation for indie game groups. And, it will be a GIGABOOST for casual gaming. I predict, it will be a big deal. Hopefully, this will also get Nintendo to be more internet-minded, which is the only area they are lacking on in their awesome plan.
Lastly, Sam had disappeared off the face of the Earth, so I'm taking applications for a new one. Applicants must be: handy around the house, able to do awesome circus tricks at parties, unreliable, popular with goils, retain a different life-solving job every year, come up with a new DREAM job every week. People with fear of illegal climbing of public buildings need not apply.
Friday, October 5, 2007
When It Rains It Snows
Actually, it tornadoes! It was a big week for the following reasons: (1) Had to finish 3 projects, one linear algebra exam, and one standard homework. Most computer scientists can tell you how much work a project is worth, and two of the projects were codin. (2) I'm probably moving! It is not working out with the roommate. I'll move to a studio apartment within 5 miles of school in an area called Kirkland, hereby referred to James T Kirkland. (3) I got a cold! (4) I'm on antibiotics! My roommate has a staph infection and has spent time in the emergency room, so I am trying to avoid it. (5) I'm a criminal! Missouri has summoned me home for a speeding ticket I paid for once already in April. But, they refunded the money and sent it to a higher court, because it was technically in a workzone. So, I'm going to try to settle all that from up here, not only to save travel moneys but also it'd be bad if I got pulled out of school for a week. (6) My mp3 player died! The new one given by my pa is not immune to laundry cycles. I have already replaced it, so no worries.
But, if you know me, you know I don't let a bunch of noise like that get me down.
One of my projects was to make my first 3D model (The background with the beach, sun, and people is a real picture, so don't freak out). My graphics teacher likes the military, so we made a hummer. Yes, I know it's beautiful, you don't need to tell me.
Oh yeah, earlier this week in the halls of Digi I walked by Chris Taylor, the well-known mind behind Total Annihilation and Dungeon Siege, two games I'm not that into but I do recognize his feats. Also, I have some goods friends that think he's cool, so I get to be all braggy.
I don't know if I talked about what it's like to have one foot in the industry yet, and I guess I'll do that now, because Mykl made me laugh this morning. If you don't care, feel free to skip, because it this is long. The game industry is full of people that all know each other, and also celebrities that only exist in the game community. Before, the industry just seemed like a far off-place full of people I'd never meet, and these people made my games. Kind of like the people that make movies or TV. But now, professors talk about these people like old chums, and even the professors have done some important things. I have one professor that is a big name for doing technical stuff for the Xbox, and one that was a producer/designer for Lucasarts and worked on such games as Monkey Island and maybe Maniac Mansion. One didn't make games, but he says that 3ds max uses his algorithm for binary compounding (trust me, it's neat). One thing that I did not forsee for some reason is that some of my peers have already worked in the industry. I talked to someone who recently finished working on Halo 3 (We got to see it early, as I may of mentioned). I talked to someone from Valve, and also Artificial Studios. There's several people who work at Microsoft as they're taking classes too. So, it is weird to meet faces behind games, or just programs that I've used. For example, imagine meeting a person who was on the development team for cheeseburgers, which has developed itself into an icon in your brain and you assumed must have appeared from nothing.
Also, the Nintendo store rawks, I went there the other week. There's all sorts of swag I've never seen anywhere else, and Nintendo games are there we've seen up to 2 weeks early, and we get everything cheaper. I'm not sure what regular people have to do to go to it, but see what you can do.
But, if you know me, you know I don't let a bunch of noise like that get me down.

Oh yeah, earlier this week in the halls of Digi I walked by Chris Taylor, the well-known mind behind Total Annihilation and Dungeon Siege, two games I'm not that into but I do recognize his feats. Also, I have some goods friends that think he's cool, so I get to be all braggy.
I don't know if I talked about what it's like to have one foot in the industry yet, and I guess I'll do that now, because Mykl made me laugh this morning. If you don't care, feel free to skip, because it this is long. The game industry is full of people that all know each other, and also celebrities that only exist in the game community. Before, the industry just seemed like a far off-place full of people I'd never meet, and these people made my games. Kind of like the people that make movies or TV. But now, professors talk about these people like old chums, and even the professors have done some important things. I have one professor that is a big name for doing technical stuff for the Xbox, and one that was a producer/designer for Lucasarts and worked on such games as Monkey Island and maybe Maniac Mansion. One didn't make games, but he says that 3ds max uses his algorithm for binary compounding (trust me, it's neat). One thing that I did not forsee for some reason is that some of my peers have already worked in the industry. I talked to someone who recently finished working on Halo 3 (We got to see it early, as I may of mentioned). I talked to someone from Valve, and also Artificial Studios. There's several people who work at Microsoft as they're taking classes too. So, it is weird to meet faces behind games, or just programs that I've used. For example, imagine meeting a person who was on the development team for cheeseburgers, which has developed itself into an icon in your brain and you assumed must have appeared from nothing.
Also, the Nintendo store rawks, I went there the other week. There's all sorts of swag I've never seen anywhere else, and Nintendo games are there we've seen up to 2 weeks early, and we get everything cheaper. I'm not sure what regular people have to do to go to it, but see what you can do.
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