Friday, December 7, 2007

Newspaper Taxis

Ok, well Seattle has had some weather problems, though none have really affected me. There was a good snow earlier in the week, and everyone liked that. But the next couple of days had more rain than usual, and I guess there was flooding and mudslides and stuff up north. My area was perfectly fine, though I think one of my professors had a flooded lawn. He cancelled class to clean stuff up.

All my projects are completed! With any luck, I'll be able to post videos of them on Youtube. Just got one final left, and I don't think it'll be horrible. We're also gearing up for next semester's game. It will rawk! Besides that, I just have to make it sure that I get home. Goat House will have it's first Reunion Party, though it is a half-year reunion.

If my dad doesn't mind, I may invade his new computer with game-making software so that I may work over break. I will also bring home a few things to keep me occupied, including Samurai Jack, Avatar, and a new movie by the FLCL people called Dead Leaves (it's crazy!). Also, has anyone been watching Heroes? Holy cow! Syler got some spinach! WE'RE IN TROUBLE. I am eager for the next season and the bonus Heroes : Origins, whatever that will be. Though, things are still delayed until the writer's strike is sorted out. I support the writers and everything, but this is difficult for us too.


Unknown said...

Speaking of Goat House and youtube, well, never mind.

Mrs. Corbett said...

Crazy gmail, that last post was from moi. STEVE says, "Waiter, I want what they're having."

P. Jacobs said...

Yes, Heroes has been great lately. The beginning of volume 2 was slow and had some bad writing, but the writers have apologized so we're square now. I'm calling Syler "Pop-Eye the Syler-Man" for now on.

Concerning Avatar, I saw the last two-part episode which was fantazgreat. Are they going to have any more episodes this season? Right now, I'm putting Avatar ahead of Heroes and Lost as far as plot and character development quality. But never ahead of Firefly. NEVER I say.

pjacobs51 said...

Don't say anything about Hereos, I haven't been able to see any yet. But I did see BSG Razor, the point of view from the other Battlestar with Admiral Cain (aka Ensign Roe from Star Trek TNG) Turns out she's a badass lesbien, and her girlfriend was a Cylon.

I guess you can use my computer, but it keeps calling me "Dave" and it won't open the pod-bay doors. I keep telling it "Daves not here man" but it refuses to listen, so good luck with that.

Alli said...

So, when is the great Kelroy coming home? If you'll come over to our house of candy, I'll fatten you up. Come to think of it, bring Gretel too.

Haha wouldn't that be a great episode of, "When librarians attack?" I smell a reality TV show.

Dad, I think I need to get caught up on Heroes with you. I've seen a few episodes, but I've missed pretty much all of the first season.

pjacobs51 said...

The Sci-Fi channel is going to start showing Firefly next week. If anyone is interested . . . p.r.jacobs

P. Jacobs said...


Kelroy said...

Oh yeah, that Goat House video was made by John. Not too shabby.

Avatar sure's been good! The other seasons had 20 episodes or so, so I think this one is only halfway through. Last season was pretty great too, not sure if you caught any o dem.

Didn't know that there was another BSG, but that's cool Ensign Roe is kickin butt. She was one of the more interesting side characters from TNG, I think.

I'm coming home around the 17th or so. I'd love to come over for candy! But Gretel can't come, I cooked and ate her. She goes well on pizza. Hope you want a Heroes spoiler, because Hedwig kills Voldemort.

I could have swore I've seen Firefly on Sci-fi channel before, but maybe I'm crazy. I think sci-fi channel is showing Dead Leaves sometime soon too, but it will be heavily edited.