And here's a recent pic. If you can't tell, that piece of ground at the bottom got cut off and is now falling. Pretty neat, eh?

By the way, Digipen has a copyright on those images, so don't use them without permission!
So, the gears are already turning on our next project. It's weird being back at square one, and we have a lot of initial setup to do. This time we're a team of five programmers, and eventually two to four artists. Our team name is probably Team Satan (it wasn't even my idea!). The game is Ronin Duck. Check out some of my sketches! Taken with a crappy camera (hint hint for people who want to buy me a good camera or a scanner).
Some random sketches, including the main character, a samurai duck with a rice hat and bamboo sword. Also, a possible clunky robot boss, a punk robot, and a ghost thing.
The ronin duck hitting several robots in a row! I doodled this in class, so you can kind of see notes through the page.
So, a new Mario Kart is coming out this month. So soon after Brawl, I am barely concerned with it! It's supposed to have good internet functionality though, so it'll be another good game for playing with Missouri people. Also, Okami, a stylish adventure game, is coming out on the Wii. Even though I haven't played it yet, it is one of the inspirations for Ronin Duck's style. I bet I play it over my brief break.
How about useing keyboard controles for Schizm? They work fine on Continuum. Nice job on the logo by the way. Looks like a cool game too.
I think we need "Team Satan" in Missouri to mellow out our weather situation. The local god fearing people aren't helping at all. As mentioned in the "Snews Leader" headlines, Table Rock Dam is releasing 37,000 cubic feet of water per second until Tuesday in order to flood Branson. It's either a wierd ploy to attrack tourism, or maybe Branson just didn't pay their taxes. Two Mom and I are going down to see the dam on Sunday, so I'm betting on the tourist ploy.
Well . . . we're going if it doesn't SNOW to much. Yah, that's right, I said SNOW. Any more questions on the Missouri Apocalypse?
A Samari Duck with a rice hat . . .
You're ON the bus . . . man . . .
FYI, Ronin is also a character on Stargate Atlantis. He's the "cool" guy, kind-of like Spike on Cowboy Bebop except with a more primitive look and 2 foot long dreadlocks. Yes, he's a bad-ass fighter too.
He's also a duck with a sword and a rice hat. Are you sure you made this Ronin guy up on your own?
According to wikipedia: a ronin is a samari who has fled or lost his master. No mention of ducks with rice hats though.
According to the Government Book of Irrefutable Facts: a Ronin Duck is one that has a master that is usually an Opossum. In this case, we will call him Shrapnel the Opossum. These ducks can travel through time, turn into dinosaurs, and are in charge of the U.S. Supreme Court. Also, they are allergic to floors.
Jacobs, Kelly, and Me "Government Book of Irrefutable Facts". Fourside City: Factwood Publishers, 2001
For you Sci-Fi freaks out there, a new X-Files movie will be coming out this summer. X-Files: I Want to Believe will have both David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. Woot!
Wow, the Government Book of Irrefutable Facts was quite insightful - it sure explained a lot about our court system!
I wish I could time travel and turn into a dinosaur at will. Should have majored in that in college...Is it too late to change my major?
The Government Book of Irrefutable Facts is completely endorsed by a government, so there is no reason to doubt. According to it, it's not too late to change you major, so just tell your school you want to be a time travelling dinosaur.
Yes, ronins are samurai that serve no master. They're conveniant in stories because they have no reason not to wander around helping people (or hurting people). So, you see them in lots o movies.
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Anyways...yes, plus he's duck so he has to migrate in the winter. I think he should have a love interest named Pecking Duck. Her fate is sad but delicious.
Hoorah for Chinese food!
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