It's Pi Day! A very important day of the year for people who like Pi or pie. At the very least, each some pie today, to celebrate a popular number. It also happens to be Einstein's birthday. I myself don't believe this to be a coincidence.
So, as everyone knows, at MS&T (previously known as UMR), St. Pat's is a big deal. This year marks the school's hundredth anniversary celebrating the holiday, so it will be crazy. I predict a few casualties, no joke. Many recent alumni across the country have even migrated to Rolla this week to go crazy. While it was tempting, I am bound to my homeworks. This will actually my first year in a few years that I won't be partying for an entire week with others that understand the holiday. A few of us are at least going out on Saturday, hopefully finding a good drinking establishment, as I haven't found one yet. I will probably share stories of past St. Pat's adventures, possibly inspiring the saint into others. Like St. Pat, most people don't like snakes, so I imagine it will be easy to relate to him.
Also this week I will probably be getting a visit from Sam and Dustin. They are both considering moving to Seattle, so they want to check the place out. I'm planning to power down some work this weekend so I can dedicate some time to them. We will probably visit Downtown Seattle and Pike Place Market, and Sam probably wants to visit the Digipen art campus. If weather permits, we may go hiking. These will be the sort of things I will take all visitors to do, eventually refined into "Kelly's Seattle Visitor Guide For People Who Are Only Here A Few Days". It will be a grand guide of 3 or 4 things, and even some bonus stuff like "Feed Kelly" and "Do Kelly's Homework", and of course "CHORES". It's great to have visitors!
My are Riley fought online, and it was a worthy duel. Dumb as he is, he has a good handle of Sonic, Pit, and ROB. They were good fights, even though he is stinky, fat, ugly, and idiot.
You heard me.
Update: No visitors! Sam got screwed by a teacher or something, so the trip is postponed.
You are the one that is the stinky one you are!! Yes, good fight; although, I still need some practice. Who was the Wario guy? He was pretty good! Anyways, it was a blast besides the lag (which was probably my fault).
btw, I almost died from laughter when I saw "ZOMG Bees!"
The Jacoburgers played Dee and I the other night, too. Mykl was really good. That other guy wasn't though. What was his name? Oh yeah...ASSSAH!
Be so proud of me--I actually knew it was Pi day, and not just because I'm an "information specialist"
God, it feels good to fit myself into quotation marks! Snug and cozy!
I did not however know that it was Albert's birthday. I agree that it was fate or something.
Well, the first Wario you fought was John, my former Goat House roommate. He's the best Smash player I know, and maybe the best in the Missouri area, but it's possible some skilled hermit players ignored his challenges.
The second Wario you fought was my old internet friend Dustin in Tennessee. He just plays for fun.
"ZOMG BEES" is one of my battle cries.
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