Friday, February 15, 2008

Cali Steals Your Soul

Or so I'm told!

So, I've been hearing horrible things about Missouri weather being wacky. Seattle weather is actually pretty boring compared to what I'm used to. Temperature doesn't go up and down, just stays about the same. Rarely gets below freezing. And next week I'll be in San Fransisco, which also stays about the same weather all the time.

Hey, the writer's strike is over! YAY. Now maybe they'll start making more new cartoons. Also, that bonus Heroes thing, whatever that is. TV has definately been in a dry spell lately. To be honest, I have not been tuning in to American Gladiator or other "reality television". Ever. Not ever.

So, politics have been hot lately. Things are pretty tight between Bill Clinton and Bob Bop Perama. And on the other side, it seems that Darth Applebee has been pushed into lava by John Wayne. So, between Bill Clinton, Bob Bop Perama, and John Wayne, I don't think we can lose. I am personally going for Bob Bop Perama, because he is mega-honest and recognizes the silly Red vs Blue problem. It'd be cool to have a lady president, but Bill Clinton seems to be another politician that says what we will get her the most votes, so we're not actually sure what we're going to get. I'm sure she'd be great, but I likes me some honesty. And John Wayne is just a swell guy, though it seems like he has extra war plans.

We'll see! brb, California


P. Jacobs said...

I agree, those three dudes...whatever their names seem to have changed to...are pretty rad. I'd be fine with any of them being my boss. I think Bill Clinton is a neat lady, but I acually got the impression that Beebop Panorama wasn't telling a lot of truthiness. Maybe all must lie to be da prez?

pjacobs51 said...

Yes the weather here has been rather strange. Tornadoes, ice storms, one day it was 76 degrees the next it was like 23. Global warming is out to destroy the "Bible Belt. After all, it is there fault, with there "My way or the highway attitude. (I choose the highway) for all it's practicle or impracticle meanings!

As for poliitics, it's just another manmade religion. Another reason for good people to hate each other. God was made in mans image not the other way around. There are too many of these manmade gods, and too many manmade presidents. The majority of people who inhabit this world are either stupid, crazy, or a mixture of both. Sorry about being so negative, but I stepped on a 9 inch nail. (just kidding) lol

Have fun in 'Frisco

P. Jacobs said...

Fransan Sisco. I was born there.

pjacobs51 said...

ROFL, p.r.

How about Be Bop Perama? He's kind-of long and lanky like Spike.

"What happens, happens"

Mrs. Corbett said...

Me & your sista are also Be Bop Peroma fans. Weird that we're women and don't support Billary, but though psudo-feminists, we're more anti-powerhungry types.
So how's San Fransisco (riley, i remember when you were born, but not the part about San Fransisco:)
Speaking of Riley's birth, he's got a BD coming up--feel free to use the XMAS wiki for birthday lists. I haven't visited it in a while, but hopefully it's still there.

Mrs. Corbett said...

I heard something on the national news last night about the video game thingy in San Fransisco. They were talking about some new thing where you can control the game with your facial expressions. At least, I think I heard that right. They went on to say something about how you mind was controlling it--sounded like a stretch for the reporters to go from facial expressions to the mind.
So, did you see this game when you were there?

Alli said...

Go Beebop Panorama, go!

That is all.