Friday, January 11, 2008

Round Two

Herro! Back to business. My break was great, caught up with family and friends, and now the semester is up and running. This semester looks to be a little more challenging.

I'm taking another game project class, where we are making a complete game. This time we are throwing out XNA (The game studio we were using before) and making from scratch. This is something we have to do eventually anyway, so while this semester's game might not end up as good because we have to spend more time learning, next YEAR's game (the defining project of our degree) should be that much better.

Also, I am taking a challenging math class (we need computers for this one, what with all the 3D!), a networking class (easy but necessary), and a new graphics class. The graphics class is the sequel to the class we were learning how to render stuff onto the screen. This time, we will be learning lighting, shading, modelling and other things.

I didn't think about it before, but a good game programmer has to be a master of several fields. Not only computer science (some tricky computer science!), but we also have to have a deep understanding of things like physics and lighting, and other things in the natural world that we would want to simulate. This also includes AI, 3D math, and statistics. AND if you want to be a game designer like me, there's even MORE on your plate! I need an understanding of story structure and good characters, of music, art, and obviously fun game mechanics. Then there's optional stuff like history, mythology, and other things that would be specific to games. I will be like Leonardo Da Vinci, except a version that likes girls and isn't interested in helicopters.

There is a lot for me to do. Fortunately, I'm fearless. RAWR.


pjacobs51 said...

RAWR indeed, sounds like you'll need some RAWR, at least a six pack. I thought you loved helicopters, and now you like girls? who would-of thought?

Mrs. Corbett said...

Popcorn Kelly,
Well I always figured you were in the right profession since you are good at art, literature and math--renaissonce dude! Sounds like you've got it covered, so no sympathy from me.
Aargh matey,

Brien said...

it was great seeing you over break.

Goddamn you for pretending you couldn't come to the New Year's Eve party!