My project this semester is solo. This picture's a small preview (The textbox says "*despair* MRRRRR"). Next semester will be a group project, hopefully that goes ok. I just don't want to end up making a game I don't care much for.
For my Missouri friends, TMBG is playing in St. Louis tonight (Saturday), but I think they started a couple hours ago.
In other news, Nartzor was good this week. Action was ok, but they laid into some of that "character development" that is rare in anime. Team Gai was stuck in a puzzle and it turns out the solution was Rock Lee's mantra. Also, Kaizoku finally popped out a new One Piece after I don't know how many weeks of break. Hopefully it will be regular from now on, because it looks to be an interesting arc.
For anyone who doesn't keep up with Smash Bros news, Ice Climbers were announced this week. In most cases, this wouldn't really be news, but this announcement disproves an early rumor from around a year ago that they were being dropped along with Mr. Game and Watch, which would be a tragedy. This rumor also said there would be Wind Waker Link, Ridley, and Bowser Jr, so that's uncertain now too. We'll see! Game season is almost upon us.
That robot looks like Bre when we turned her into a kill-bot. Ah, good times.
Stupid TMBG, to lazy to come to Springfield and play. Maybe the Shins will come and play some Floyd for us :)
How are those fat cats doing?
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