The other day I went on a bus adventure to downtown Seattle to see if anything fun was happening. The answer was "Yes holy wow!", as I got off to explore Seattle's annual Sandfest, a competition of sand sculpture and music and other stuff that occurs in front of Westlake Mall. I saw more weirdos in those couple of hours than probably exist in Springfield, unless you count Halloween. Though, it is nice to see a variety of folk.

The next part of my mall adventure is the part where I assume all my fantasies are real. I found a bustling EB Games, and thought "Wink my waffles! This must be the mall-sited EB that Gabe and Tycho shop at!" It was bustling, that's for sure. I shuffled through Nintendo things. Hmm, the new Metroid Prime game, 2 days before it comes out, not surprising of where Penny Arcade shops. Instead of confirming whether it was just to reserve or not, I ran off, eager to protect my fantasy. To continue my escape into a dream, I spotted a couple that looked like Gabe and his wife shopping at the video store right across. Nah, they'd be at PAX, and probably have a child with them. But lo... he has a Wii keychain. I pondered the mystery for a while, and went on my merry way. Yes, I am a firm believer of leaving celebrities alone, especially when they're trying to blend into public. Don't worry, they'll be interviewing me when I'm a bigshot.
Anyway, when I watched part 2 of Brad Neely's movie talk comic this morning, I was foolish enough to be eating, for Brad Neely hasn't been hitting the spot lately. When it got towards the end, I almost perished. Check it out at Super Deluxe.
Next time, I will describe my epic bike route. Goose knight!
"Where's my birthday caaaaaaaaake???" -Horse
I'm going to have to add "Wink my waffles!" to my "Cool things that people from Seattle say" List.
Cool sand sculpting stuff! How do they do it? Maybe they just spit on it a bunch. Or, it's a natural phenomenon starring wind as, "The Sculptoress." Or it was just born that way. That's what happened to you, right?
Hey nice slug. I found the freak zone in Portland, sort of like Boulder with a dash of hash, great for biz too. Then went to Arches Ntl. Park, the hottest dryest most relentless unforgiving hell on Earth. But the rock formations were cool. Got lost looking for Boulder again, but accidently found Red Rocks. Nice, I got to stand on the same stage as
The Beatles, Hendrix, Led Zep, Just to name a few, and the rock formations were cool too.
I sent Alli a pic of the Seattle library, maybe the light bulb will turn on. Hint hint . . .
Wink your own waffles
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