My brother got married, and as how I was the best man, I planned the bachelor party. So without a second thought, we rented out a movie theatre and played the Wii. This place taught me how.
And up next is a camping trip with Sam, my sister's wedding, my birthday/going-away party, and then going-away. I still need to sell my car, get used to city bike riding, plan the trip up, and organize my junk.
Also this summer, I've read through the Harry Potter series, not including the most recent one. It's a pretty fun read. I've done some programming with XNA Game Studio, which I highly recommend to the hobby game maker. I've wasted some time on Pokemon Pearl, although I still don't have a team to show for it.
Rumble Fighter is a good free online game. It's like if Rakion were made by the Maple Story people. If you play the ukulele but don't take private lessons, check out this guy. Toonami is showing an awesome show Samurai Jack online, and they also just started showing Star Wars Clone Wars by the same guy. There's a show called Kenny vs Spenny that's worth some laughs, mostly because one of the guys always cheats at the contests. And of course, Smash Bros Dojo has kept me updated on one of the most anticipated games of all time.
Albums I've listened to this summer - TMBG's The Else, Polyphonic Spree's Wait, a few of the Magnetic Fields, and the usual bunch.
Well, that pretty well sums it up.